
Life with Justin Stephens

I am on a journey to document the true value of time. I am doing that through writing my own documentary on my life on X. By subscribing, you will be seeing behind the scenes on how I believe we as a society can collapse time and take care of each other better.

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SuperBowl 2025 Sunday and Practice - 2025 - Week 6 Update

The Superbowl is today and starts in less than an hour! It is the biggest game in some of these players careers, but they didn't just wake up here. So it got me thinking about practice and how much time experts spend getting ready for the biggest game in their life. Was it practice this week that was the most important? Was it all the games that they played this year to get to this point? Was it all the games they played last year, or the year before? The thing about being an expert and on a...

Starting a business is hard and comes with thousands of issues and problems to solve. What do you sell? Where do you sell it? How do you market it? Who do you sell to? How do you get your first clients? How do you fund the expenses of starting up? The list goes on and on, and most people don't know where to start and how to get something up and off the ground. When you are starting something, the key thing you start with is your time. That's why I have chosen to focus on Uber as a base...

Personal finance is a constant battle of beliefs. Your beliefs about the future, about your ability, about other companies abilities. Each day we make decisions based on where we think the future will go, and one of those decisions that I have made is that i believe right now stocks are a great store of value against the dollar. I think that with the inflation that has happened and the deflation that may come from it, storing your excess cash in stocks will save the value and even allow for...

Journal Entry: One of the most important concepts that I have learned in my life is the concept of Identity and Role Separation. This concept simply states that who you are as a person is not defined by the success or failure you have in any certain role. We all fill multiple roles in our lives, some of the roles I have are: Father Salesperson Golfer Dish washer Cook Uber Driver Singer Blogger All these roles are things that I do on a fairly regular basis, but they are not who Justin is. My...

Journal Entry: Life is such an adventure, and it always will be one. One thing I have come to realize that it will always be a team sport, and you will be on many different teams. I am on team Stephens, with my Dad and Mom, my brothers and sisters, and all our relatives. I am on team Secure Pacific, with all the other employees of Secure Pacific. I am on team Axiom, where I work out on a regular basis. I am on team Uber, where I drive people around and get driven around depending on my need....

2025 Week 1 Update compiled on January 5th, 2025

Journal Entry: I am a failure, and I love it. The reason I am successful is BECAUSE I am not afraid of failing, and most people don't understand that the path to success doesn't go around failure, it goes through failure. Last year was a hard year for me personally, I was let go from a job, then struggled to find a good fit that could support me and my family. On top of that, my wife asked for a divorce. These are all things that make me feel like a failure, but in the end I know that the...

Journal Entry: Happy sunday everyone! This weekend I officially turned 38 years old. Ironically on Friday the 13th! Overall, it was a very eventful day and I got to enjoy it with my family and friends. It is a birthday I will remember for the rest of my life, that is for sure! This week I made a lot of good strides forward with some prospects from Secure Pacific, and I am really looking forward to figuring out a consistent way to get leads coming into the business. Right now, that is the...

Journal Entry: Happy sunday everyone! I have had a wild week as always! Jim Payne was in town, and we got a lot of prospecting accomplished with no financial success but I learned a lot. We also worked on quoting multiple projects that I have in the works which is great. I am working on a follow up system and process for all our current clients to track the calls I am making and how I am doing. This month is the end of the quarter, and I am at $430 Recurring Monthly Revenue and my goal is...

Week 34 update from Justin Stephens

Journal Entry: Happy Friday Everyone! This week has been a whirlwind in a good way! I had a number of positive sales activities on behalf of Secure Pacific and that includes getting some firm no's on prospects. Just because I don't like the outcome doesn't mean the result wasn't positive. That is something you have to learn about sales, the clear future is the most valuable thing you can get, even when it is a no. This week I am also going to be moving into the new house that I am renting...

Journal Entry: Happy Sunday Everyone! This week has flown by, and I am excited for the progress that we have been making. I have been working probably 10 to 12 hours a day between Secure Pacific, Driving Uber, and running the blog. It feels great to know that I am taking the steps that I believe need to be taken to get my life back on track. There is still a long way to go to getting back to a baseline, but it all starts with action, so today we are celebrating that action! This week I got...